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A Framework for Mining Signatures from Event Sequences and Its Applications in Healthcare Data

A Framework for Mining Signatures from Event Sequences and Its Applications in Healthcare Data

This paper proposes a novel temporal knowledge representation and learning framework to perform large-scale temporal signature mining of longitudinal heterogeneous event data. The framework enables the representation, extraction, and mining of high order latent event structure and relationships within single and multiple event sequences. The proposed knowledge representation maps the heterogeneous event sequences to a geometric image by encoding events as a structured spatial-temporal shape process. We present a doubly constrained convolutional sparse coding framework that learns interpretable and shift-invariant latent temporal event signatures. We show how to cope with the sparsity in the data as well as in the latent factor model by inducing a double sparsity constraint on the β-divergence to learn an over complete sparse latent factor model. A novel stochastic optimization scheme performs large-scale incremental learning of group-specific temporal event signatures. We validate the framework on synthetic data and on an electronic health record dataset.

Finding latent temporal signatures is important in many domains as they encode temporal concepts such as event trends, episodes, cycles, and abnormalities. For example, in the medical domain latent event signatures facilitate decision support for patient diagnosis, prognosis, and management. In the surveillance domain temporal event signatures aid in detection of suspicious events at specific locations. Of particular interest is the temporal aspect of information hidden in event data that may be used to perform intelligent reasoning and inference about the latent relationships between event entities over time. An event entity can be a person, an object, or a location in time. For instance, in the medical domain a patient would be considered as an event entity, where visits to the doctor’s office would be considered as events.

Temporal event signature mining for knowledge discovery is a difficult problem. In this regard, several problems need to be addressed:

1. The EKR(Event Knowledge Representation) should handle the time-invariant representation of multiple event entities as two event entities can be considered similar if they contain the same temporal signatures at different time intervals or locations,

2. EKR should be flexible to jointly represent different types of event structure such as single multivariate events and event intervals to allow a rich representation of complex event relationships,

3. EKR should be scalable to support analysis and inference on large-scale databases, and
4. EKR should be sparse to enable interpretability of the learned signatures by humans.


This paper proposes a novel Temporal Event Matrix Representation (TEMR) and learning framework to perform temporal signature mining for large-scale longitudinal and heterogeneous event data. Basically, our TEMR framework represents the event data as a spatial-temporal matrix, where one dimension of the matrix corresponds to the type of the events and the other dimension represents the time information. In this case, if event i happened at time j with value k, then the (i,j)th element of the matrix is k. This is a very flexible and intuitive framework for encoding the temporal knowledge information contained in the event sequences. To improve the scalability of the proposed approach, we further developed an online updating technology. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is validated on a real-world healthcare dataset.

·        First, on the knowledge representation level, TEMR provides a visual matrix-based representation of complicated event data composed of different types of events as well as event intervals, which supports the joint representation of both continuous and discrete valued data.

·        Second, on the algorithmic level, we propose a doubly sparse convolutional matrix approximation-based formulation for detecting the latent signatures contained in the datasets. Moreover, we derive a multiplicative updates procedure to solve the problem and proved theoretically its convergence. We further propose a novel stochastic optimization scheme for large-scale longitudinal event signature mining of multiple event entities in a group. We demonstrate that appropriate normalization constraints on the sparse latent factor model allow for automatic rank determination.
·        Third, on the experimental level, we have validated our approach using both synthetic data and a real-world Electronic Health Records (EHRs) dataset which contains the longitudinal medical records of over 20k patients over one year period. We report the results on the detected signatures, convergence behavior of the algorithm, and the final matrix reconstruction errors.


ü Algorithm 1. OSC-NMF (Individual)
ü Algorithm 2. OSC-NMF (Group)
Algorithm 1- OSC-NMF (Individual)
Require: X;F; G; r; T; ; λ
Ensure: F 0;G 0
1: Initialize F; G
2: for i = 1 to T do
3: Update F
4: Update G
5: if (converged) then
6: break
7: end if
8: end for
9: return Ro= {W;H}



ü Processor             -        Pentium –IV

ü Speed                             -        1.1 Ghz
ü RAM                    -        256 MB(min)
ü Hard Disk            -        20 GB
ü Key Board            -        Standard Windows Keyboard
ü Mouse                  -        Two or Three Button Mouse
ü Monitor                -        SVGA



ü Operating System                    : Windows XP
ü Programming Language           : JAVA
ü Java Version                           : JDK 1.6 & above.


Fei Wang, Member, IEEE, Noah Lee, Jianying Hu, Senior Member, IEEE, Jimeng Sun, Shahram Ebadollahi, Member, IEEE, and Andrew F. Laine, Fellow, IEEE-
“A Framework for Mining Signatures from Event Sequences and Its Applications in Healthcare Data”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE, VOL. 35, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 2013