Latest Python IEEE Project titles
Python IEEE Papers | Python IEEE Projects 2024 - 2025
Helmet and Number Plate Detection using Deep Learning
Malware Analysis and Detection Using Machine Learning Algorithm
Efficient Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy through Deep Learning
Brain Stroke Detection System based on CT images using Deep Learning
Oral Cancer Detection using Deep Learning
SMS Spam Detection using Machine Learning
Road Pothole Detection using Deep Learning
Intelligent Weapon Detection System for Real Time Surveillance using Deep Learning with YOLOv8
Yoga Pose Detection using Deep Learning
Machine Learning based Employee Attrition Prediction and Layoff Prediction System
Sleep Disorder Prediction Using Machine Learning
E-Commerce Fraud Detection Based on Machine Learning
Electric Vehicle (EV) Price Prediction using Machine Learning
Smartphone Addiction Prediction Using Machine Learning
Obesity Risk Prediction using Machine Learning
Health Insurance Price Prediction using Machine Learning
Smart Diabetes Prediction System Using Machine Learning Algorithms
A System for Automated Vehicle Damage Localization and Severity Estimation Using Deep Learning
Deep Learning based Blood Group Detection using Fingerprint
Enhanced Breast Cancer Diagnosis Using Machine Learning on Patient Data and Deep Learning
Deep Learning-Based Dual-Modal Bird Species Identification Using Audio and Images
Plant Disease Detection using Deep Learning and Fertilizer Recommendation
Automated Knee Osteoarthritis Prediction and Classification from X-ray Images Using Deep Learning
Cervical Cancer Prediction and Classification Using Deep Learning on Medical Image Data
Fruit Quality Detection using Deep Learning for Rotten and Fresh Fruits Classification
Python IEEE Papers 2023
Blood Cancer Identification using Hybrid Ensemble Deep Learning Technique.
Breast Cancer Classification using CNN with Transfer Learning Models.
Calorie Estimation of Food and Beverages using Deep Learning.
Detection and Identification of Pills using Machine Learning Models.
Detection of Cardiovascular Diseases in ECG Images Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Methods.
Development of Hybrid Image Caption Generation Method using Deep Learning.
Dog Breed Classification using Inception-ResNet-V2.
Forest Fire Detection using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN).
Digital Image Forgery Detection Using Deep Learning
Image-Based Bird Species Identification Using Machine Learning.
Kidney Cancer Detection using Deep Learning Models.
Medicinal Herbs Identification.
Monkeypox Diagnosis with Interpretable Deep Learning.
Music Genre Classification Using Convolutional Neural Network.
Pancreatic Cancer Classification using Deep Learning
Prediction of Lung Cancer using Convolution Neural Networks.
Signature Fraud Detection using Deep Learning
Skin Cancer Prediction Using Deep Learning Techniques.
Traffic Sign Classification using Deep Learning.
Disease Classification in Wheat from Images Using CNN
Detection of Lungs Cancer through Computed Tomographic Images using Deep Learning
A Machine Learning Framework for Early-Stage Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorders.
A Machine Learning Model to Predict a Diagnosis of Brain Stroke
CO2 Emission Rating by Vehicles Using Data Science.
Cyber Hacking Breaches Prediction and Detection Using Machine Learning.
Fake Profile Detection on Social Networking Websites using Machine Learning.
Crime Prediction Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Drug Recommendation System in Medical Emergencies using Machine Learning
Efficient Machine Learning Algorithm for Future Gold Price Prediction.
Effective Feature Engineering Technique for Heart Disease Prediction With Machine Learning
House Price Prediction using Machine Learning Algorithm.
Human Stress Detection Based on Sleeping Habits Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Detection of Phishing Websites Using Machine Learning
Electricity Theft Detection in Smart Grids Based on Deep Neural Network
Intrusion Detection System Using Improved Convolution Neural Network
Intrusion Detection System Using PCA with Random Forest Approach
A Machine Learning-based Approach for Crop Yield Prediction and Fertilizer Recommendation
InteliCrop: An Ensemble Model to Predict Crop using Machine Learning Algorithms
Agricultural Crop Recommendations based on Productivity and Season
Crop Recommender System Using Machine Learning Approach
Crop Yield Prediction based on Indian Agriculture using Machine Learning
Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms Classification by Machine Learning Algorithms
An Efficient Spam Detection Technique for IoT Devices Using Machine Learning
Credit Card Fraud Detection Using State-of-the-Art Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms
Fraud Detection and Analysis for Insurance Claim using Machine Learning
Fraud Detection on Bank Payments Using Machine Learning
A Comparative Study on Fake Job Post Prediction Using Different Data mining Techniques
WELFake: Word Embedding Over Linguistic Features for Fake News Detection
Detecting Fake Reviews Using Multidimensional Representations With Fine-Grained Aspects Plan
Detecting Spam Email With Machine Learning Optimized With Bio-Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithms
Email Spam Detection Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Defensive Modeling of Fake News Through Online Social Networks
FAKEDETECTOR: Effective Fake News Detection with Deep Diffusive Neural Network
Spam Review Detection Using the Linguistic and Spammer Behavioral Methods
Review Spam Detection using Machine Learning
A Deep Prediction of Chronic Kidney Disease by Employing Machine Learning Method
Efficient Thyroid Disease Prediction using Features Selection and Meta-Classifiers
Heart Disease Prediction using Machine Learning and Data Analytics Approach
Liver disease prediction using Ensemble Technique
Prediction of Parkinson’s disease using XGBoost
Chronic Kidney Disease Stage Identification in HIV Infected Patients using Machine Learning
Diabetes Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Machine Learning Based Heart Disease Prediction System
Naive Bayes Classifier for Predicting the Novel Coronavirus
Primary Stage of Diabetes Prediction using Machine Learning Approaches
A Machine Learning Methodology for Diagnosing Chronic Kidney Disease
Drug Recommendation System based on Sentiment Analysis of Drug Reviews using Machine Learning
COVID-19 Future Forecasting Using Supervised Machine Learning Models
Heart Disease Identification Method Using Machine Learning Classification in E-Healthcare
Prediction of Breast Cancer, Comparative Review of Machine Learning Techniques, and Their Analysis
Detection of Cyberbullying Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms
Toxic Speech Classification using Machine Learning Algorithms
Detection of Cyberbullying on Social Media Using Machine learning
Detecting A Twitter Cyberbullying Using Machine Learning
Deep Learning Based Fusion Approach for Hate Speech Detection
A Machine Learning Based Approach for Wine Quality Prediction
Air Quality Prediction Based on Machine Learning
Water Quality Classification Using SVM And XGBoost Method
Traffic Accident Risk Prediction Using Machine Learning
A Road Accident Prediction Model Using Data Mining Techniques
Prediction Of Used Car Prices Using Artificial Neural Networks And Machine Learning
Predictive Analysis for Big Mart Sales Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Prediction of Modernized Loan Approval System Based on Machine Learning Approach
A Study on a Car Insurance Purchase Prediction Using Machine Learning
Flight Delay Prediction Based on Aviation Big Data and Machine Learning
Academic Performance Prediction Based on Multisource, Multifeature Behavioral Data
Performance Analysis on Student Feedback using Machine Learning Algorithms
Students Performance Prediction in Online Courses Using Machine Learning Algorithms
A Systematic Review of Predicting Elections Based on Social Media Data
COVIDSenti: A Large-Scale Benchmark Twitter Data Set for COVID-19 Sentiment Analysis
Emotion Recognition by Textual Tweets Classification Using Voting Classifier (LR-SGD)
Detection of Fake and Clone accounts in Twitter using Classification and Distance Measure Algorithms
Detection of Malicious Social Bots Using Learning Automata With URL Features in Twitter Network
Finding Psychological Instability Using Machine Learning
Hybrid Feature based Prediction of Suicide Related Activity on Twitter
Analysis and Prediction of Suicide Attempts
A Comprehensive Study on Social Network Mental Disorders Detection via Online Social Media Mining
Crime Type and Occurrence Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithm
Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for Predicting Crime Hotspots
Detecting and Characterizing Extremist Reviewer Groups in Online Product Reviews
A Contemporary Technique for Lung Disease Prediction using Deep Learning
Parkinson’s Disease Detection Using Machine Learning
Pneumonia Detection using Deep Learning
Brain Tumour Detection Using Deep Learning
Classification of Malaria-Infected Cells using Convolutional Neural Networks
Diabetic Retinopathy Detection by means of Deep Learning
Diagnosis of COVID-19 from Chest X-Ray Images Using Wavelets-Based Depthwise Convolution Network
Melanoma Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network
Artificial Intelligence and COVID-19: Deep Learning Approaches for Diagnosis and Treatment
Malaria Detection using Deep Learning
Automated Bird Species Identification using Audio Signal Processing and Neural Network
Speech Emotion Recognition using Machine Learning
Detection of Stress in IT Employees using Machine Learning Technique
A Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network for Real-Time Facial Expression Detection
Real-Time Drowsiness Identification based on Eye State Analysis
A Mask Detection Method for Shoppers Under the Threat of COVID-19 Coronavirus
Human Recognition using Ear based Deep Learning Features
Fine-Grained Food Classification Methods on the UEC FOOD-100 Database
Identification of Fake Indian Currency using Convolutional Neural Network
Plant Disease Detection and Classification Using Machine Learning Algorithm
Rice Leaf Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning
Soil Analysis and Crop Recommendation using Machine Learning
Potato Disease Detection Using Machine Learning
Tomato Leaf Disease Identification by Restructured Deep Residual Dense Network
Rice Leaf Diseases Classification Using CNN With Transfer Learning
Traffic Sign Board Recognition and Voice Alert System using Convolutional Neural Network
Deep Learning for Large-Scale Traffic-Sign Detection and Recognition