Network Simulator NS2 Final Year IEEE Project Titles
WSN (Wireless Sensor Networks) Projects in NS2
Energy Efficient Routing Algorithm with Mobile Sink Support for Wireless Sensor Networks
A Low-Latency Communication Scheme for Mobile Wireless Sensor Control Systems
Location Verification Assisted by a Moving Obstacle for Wireless Sensor Networks
A Self-Adaptive Sleep/Wake-Up Scheduling Approach for Wireless Sensor Networks
Energy Efficient Clustering Algorithm for Multi-Hop Wireless Sensor Network Using Type-2 Fuzzy Logic
SEND: A Situation-Aware Emergency Navigation Algorithm with Sensor Networks
A Novel Authentication and Key Agreement Scheme for Implantable Medical Devices Deployment
A Secure and Efficient ID-Based Aggregate Signature Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks
Lightweight Three-factor Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol for Internet-integrated Wireless Sensor Networks
ROSE: Robustness Strategy for Scale-Free Wireless Sensor Networks
A Cooperative Clustering Protocol With Duty Cycling for Energy Harvesting Enabled Wireless Sensor Networks
An Improved Routing Algorithm Based on Ant Colony Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks
A Kautz-Based Wireless Sensor and Actuator Network for Real-Time, Fault-Tolerant and Energy-Efficient Transmission
Cluster-Based Routing for the Mobile Sink in Wireless Sensor Networks With Obstacles
DaGCM: A Concurrent Data Uploading Framework for Mobile Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks
Distributed Emergency Guiding with Evacuation Time Optimization Based on Wireless Sensor Networks
Fair Routing for Overlapped Cooperative Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks
Geographic and Opportunistic Routing for Underwater Sensor Networks
iPath: Path Inference in Wireless Sensor Networks
Mobile Coordinated Wireless Sensor Network: An Energy Efficient Scheme for Real-Time Transmissions
Privacy-Preserving Data Aggregation in Mobile Phone Sensing
DTMAC: A Delay Tolerant MAC Protocol for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
ActiveTrust: Secure and Trustable Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks
Adaptive and Channel-Aware Detection of Selective Forwarding Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks
Energy and Memory Efficient Clone Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks
Reliable and Efficient Data Acquisition in Wireless Sensor Networks in the Presence of Transfaulty Nodes
Detecting Node Failures in Mobile Wireless Networks: A Probabilistic Approach
ESync: Energy Synchronized Mobile Charging in Rechargeable Wireless Sensor Networks
On the Construction of Data Aggregation Tree with Minimum Energy Cost in Wireless Sensor Networks: NP-Completeness and Approximation Algorithms
A Historical-Beacon-Aided Localization Algorithm for Mobile Sensor Networks
A Virtual Coordinate-Based Bypassing Void Routing for WSN
An Energy Efficient Cross-Layer Network Operation Model for IEEE 802.15.4-Based Mobile WSN
Cost-Aware SEcure Routing (CASER) Protocol Design for WSN
Geographic Routing in Clustered WSN Among Obstacles
Joint Virtual MIMO and Data Gathering for WSN
Mobile Data Gathering with Load Balanced Clustering and Dual Data Uploading in Wireless Sensor Networks
PWDGR: Pair-Wise Directional Geographical Routing Based on Wireless Sensor Network
A Lightweight Secure Scheme for Detecting Provenance Forgery and Packet Drop Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks
A Secure Scheme Against Power Exhausting Attacks in Hierarchical Wireless Sensor Networks
An Efficient Distributed Trust Model for Wireless Sensor Networks
An Encryption Scheme Using Chaotic Map and Genetic Operations for Wireless Sensor Networks
Effective Key Management in Dynamic Wireless Sensor Networks
Secure and Distributed Data Discovery and Dissemination in Wireless Sensor Networks
Secure Data Aggregation Technique for Wireless Sensor Networks in the Presence of Collusion Attacks
E2R2 Energy-Efficient and Reliable Routing for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks
ALBA-R Load-Balancing Geographic Routing Around Connectivity Holes in Wireless Sensor Networks
Hop-by-Hop Message Authentication and Source Privacy in Wireless Sensor Networks
Secure and Efficient Data Transmission for Cluster-Based Wireless sensor Networks
Transmission-Efficient Clustering Method for Wireless sensor networks using Compressive Sensing
An Energy-Balanced Routing Method Based on Forward-Aware Factor for Wireless Sensor Networks
R3E Reliable Reactive Routing Enhancement for Wireless Sensor Networks
Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks: Filtering out the Attacker’s Impact
Target Tracking and Mobile Sensor Navigation in Wireless Sensor Networks
Toward a Statistical Framework for Source Anonymity in Sensor Networks
Mobile Relay Configuration in Data-Intensive Wireless Sensor Networks
On the Node Clone Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks
A Highly Scalable Key Pre-Distribution Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks
A Trigger Identification Service for Defending Reactive Jammers in WSN
Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks
MANET (Mobile Adhoc Networks) Projects in NS2
M-LionWhale: multi-objective optimization model for secure routing in mobile ad-hoc network
Reputation and Trust Based Selfish Node Detection System in MANETs
A Delay-Sensitive Multicast Protocol for Network Capacity Enhancement in Multirate MANETs
Contradiction Based Gray-Hole Attack Minimization for Ad-Hoc Networks
Energy Efficient Multipath Routing Protocol for Mobile ad-hoc Network Using the Fitness Function
SUPERMAN: Security Using Pre-Existing Routing for Mobile Ad hoc Networks
A Novel Approach for Efficient Usage of Intrusion Detection System in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Mitigating Denial of Service Attacks in OLSR Protocol Using Fictitious Nodes
Top-k Query Processing and Malicious Node Identification Based on Node Grouping in MANETs
Resisting Blackhole Attacks on MANETs
CoCoWa: A Collaborative Contact-Based Watchdog for Detecting Selfish Nodes
Cooperative Load Balancing and Dynamic Channel Allocation for Cluster-Based Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Defending Against Collaborative Attacks by Malicious Nodes in MANETs: A Cooperative Bait Detection Approach
Privacy-Preserving and Truthful Detection of Packet Dropping Attacks in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
Passive IP Traceback: Disclosing the Locations of IP Spoofers from Path Backscatter
Time-Delayed Broadcasting for Defeating Inside Jammers
AASR Authenticated Anonymous Secure Routing Protocol for MANETs in Adversarial Environment
PSR A Lightweight Proactive Source Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
STARS A Statistical Traffic Pattern Discovery System for MANETs
A Model Approach to the Estimation of Peer-to-Peer Traffic Matrices
A Rank Correlation Based Detection against Distributed Reflection DoS Attacks
Adaptive Position Update for Geographic Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
ALERT: An Anonymous Location-Based Efficient Routing Protocol in MANETs
Discovery and Verification of Neighbor Positions in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
EAACK—A Secure Intrusion-Detection System for MANETs
Efficient Algorithms for Neighbor Discovery in Wireless Networks
Enhanced OLSR for Defense against DOS Attack in Ad Hoc Networks
Opportunistic MANETs: Mobility Can Make Up for Low Transmission Power
Vampire Attacks: Draining Life from Wireless Ad Hoc Sensor Networks
Detection and Localization of Multiple Spoofing Attackers
Performance Evaluation of Ad Hoc Routing Protocols Using NS2 Simulation
VANET (Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks) Projects in NS2
MoZo: A Moving Zone Based Routing Protocol Using Pure V2V Communication in VANETs
Enhancing Security and Privacy for Identity-based Batch Verification Scheme in VANET
REPLACE: A Reliable Trust-based Platoon Service Recommendation Scheme in VANET
Safety-aware Location Privacy in VANET: Evaluation and Comparison
ART: An Attack-Resistant Trust Management Scheme for Securing Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
Dual Authentication and Key Management Techniques for Secure Data Transmission in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
LORA: Loss Differentiation Rate Adaptation Scheme for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Safety Communications
SCRP: Stable CDS-Based Routing Protocol for Urban Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
Secure and Robust Multi-Constrained QoS Aware Routing Algorithm for VANETs
A Multi-Hop Broadcast Protocol for Emergency Message Dissemination in Urban VANET
Trustworthiness Evaluation-based Routing Protocol for Incompletely Predictable Vehicular Ad hoc Networks
Traffic Congestion Detection and Broadcasting by Using AODV in VANET
ACPN: A Novel Authentication Framework with Conditional Privacy-Preservation and Non-Repudiation for VANETs
BUS-VANET: A BUS Vehicular Network Integrated with Traffic Infrastructure
VANET Modeling and Clustering Design Under Practical Traffic, Channel and Mobility Conditions
We Can Deliver Messages to Far Vehicles
Adaptive Quality of Service based Routing for Vehicular Ad hoc Networks with Ant Colony Optimization
DIVERT: A Distributed Vehicular Traffic Re-routing System for Congestion Avoidance
BAHG: Back-Bone-Assisted Hop Greedy Routing for VANET’s City Environments
Other Projects in NS2
Detecting Colluding Blackhole and Greyhole Attacks in Delay Tolerant Networks
A Hop-by-Hop Routing Mechanism for Green Internet
Dynamic Network Control for Confidential Multi-Hop Communications
Security Analysis and Improvements on Two Homomorphic Authentication Schemes for Network Coding
Wormhole Attack Detection Algorithms in Wireless Network Coding Systems
A QoS-Oriented Distributed Routing Protocol for Hybrid Wireless Networks
Autonomous Mobile Mesh Networks
Neighbor Table Based Shortcut Tree Routing in ZigBee Wireless Networks
Secure Data Retrieval for Decentralized Disruption-Tolerant Military Networks
Distributed Cooperative Caching in Social Wireless Networks
A Distributed Control Law for Load Balancing in Content Delivery Networks
Resource Allocation for QoS Support in Wireless Mesh Networks